4601 West Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90016 Tel : 800-711-4614 Contact us at: info@respecs.org
I am ready to ship. What should I do?
To ship us the eyeglasses, please send them
UPS or US mail insured. Include the shipping bill
for reimbursement. If your shipment exceeds
300 lbs, call us and we will send a truck to
pick-up the eyeglasses at your location.
How should I use this sorting guide?
This booklet is designed to show you the basic
styles of eyeglasses that have restoration or
recycling value.
I cannot find a picture of eyeglasses I have.
Should I still send them?
Yes. In looking at these pictures, remember
only a very small selection is pictured. There
are thousands of individual styles and colors
that will have some sort of resemblance to the
ones in this booklet.
I do not have time to sort? Is there an easy
way to identify quickly what to send?
Yes. Most people don't have that time. The
frames you send should be either yellow metal
or white metal; many of the eyeglasses will
have aluminum or plastic parts. If there are
some eyeglasses that you are not sure about,
go ahead and send them.
Is there a size limit for shipping to Respecs?
No. Shipments are never too small or too big.
We accept packages containing a few frames
as well as truck loads of frames!
What is my shipment worth?
Some eyeglasses or parts are purchased by
piece at higher prices than their gold value;
others by weight and you will receive the value
of their gold content at current market prices.
Should I send the eyeglasses if some parts
or lenses are missing, damaged or broken?
Yes, we can restore parts and metals can be